
Helping Patients in Midlife

At Activa Laboratories, we bring you the latest protocols and innovative nutritional supplements to help you support your clients’ health and well-being in midlife.

Women in midlife

Why Activa

Innovative nutritional supplementation

Where to buy

Through dispensaries or wholesale

Free mentoring

Book a 30-minute session with our midlife consultants


Our workshop to learn more about supporting health in midlife

About Us

Since 1999, we at Activa laboratories have enabled health practitioners like you to
support their patient’s well-being
by tapping into
nature’s vitality.

Blending and
assembly method



Our Protocols

We provide you with easy-to-use, comprehensive guides for using Activa Well Being nutritional supplements to holistically address women’s most common health concerns.

Weed it or Eat it: Dandelion!

Weed it or Eat it: Dandelion!

When you saw the yellow flowers in the picture associated with this blog post, what were your first thoughts?  Did you think, “Oh no, my lawn is ruined by that nasty weed!” or did you think, “Yum, lunch!”? “Half the world love it, uses it for medicine, and dines on it...

"Wellness encompasses a healthy body, a sound mind and a tranquil spirit. Enjoy the journey as you strive for wellness."

– Laurette Gagnon Beaulieu

"Health is a state of body. Wellness is a state of being."

– J. Stanford